How to make a leave accrual adjustment on Radar

Do you want to award an employee with additional leave, write off expiring accrued leave, or amend the leave accrual for any other reason?

To amend leave accrual, follow the steps below: 

  1. Login to your Radar account.
  2. Make sure you are in the admin view.
  3. Select "Leave" on the sidebar to the left.
  4. Search and select the applicable employee. 
  5. Click on the "Edit balance" in green on the bottom of the "Annual leave statement" to the right. 
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  6. Enter the number of days needed for the adjustment. 
  7. Enter the reason for the adjustment. 
  8. Click on "Save changes".
    leave adjustmentPresentation 3.001
  9. The "Annual leave statement" should now reflect the adjustment.
    Presentation 3.001

To amend an employee's annual leave entitlement, go here

Want to know how the leave accrual balance gets calculated on Radar? Go here.

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