Where do I change my personal details on Radar?

You noticed your name is misspelt or your ID number was captured incorrectly and want to rectify it.

Follow the steps below to change your personal details: 

  1. Log into your Radar account. 
  2. Click "Details" on the purple sidebar to the left. 
  3. Ensure that you are on the "Personal" section of the "My details" page by ensuring "Personal" is selected in the purple bar at the top of the screen. 
  4. Click the green "Edit" to the top right of the personal details section.
  5. Amend your personal details where needed. 
  6. Click on the green "Save changes" button at the top right. 

For a video tutorial, go here

Still, struggling to find what you're looking for? Contact support@radar.co.za for assistance.