Where do I add another administrator?

You want to give an additional person administrator access to Radar.

Follow the below steps to add an administrator to your organisation account: 

  1. Log into your Radar account. 
  2. Click on "Admin" at the bottom of the sidebar to the left. 
  3. Click on "Permissions" in the purple bar at the top of the page. 
  4. Click on the green "Add administrator" button to the top right. 
  5. Select whether the person is an employee or external user and complete the required field(s). 
  6. Click on the green "Invite" button at the bottom of the screen.  
  7. The new admin user will receive an activation email to the email address provided in step 5 above and be listed as an administrator on the "Administrators" screen.

Please note that the activation email will expire after a few hours. 

Still, struggling to find what you're looking for? Contact support@radar.co.za for assistance.