Where can I find company (organisation) documents?

Employer documents such as dress code, leave policy, privacy policy etc., that your employer has uploaded can easily be accessed via your Radar ESS profile.

Employer documents that have been uploaded and shared on the Radar platform can be accessed by following the steps below: 

  1. Log in to your Radar profile
  2. Click on "Documents" on the purple sidebar to the left. 
  3. Click on "Company" on the purple bar at the top. 
  4. A list of documents available will be displayed. Click on the document you would like to view.
  5. Depending on your browser settings:
    1. Your payslip will download automatically to your predetermined file location.
    2. A new window will pop up for you to save the payslip in your desired file location.

For a video tutorial, go here

Still struggling to find what you're looking for? Contact support@radar.co.za for assistance.