What is "Billing details"?

Why does Raider require billing details for your organisation, and where do I enter or update them.

The billing details that are required by Radar is the additional details we require to invoice you, our client, and to ensure that the invoice we issue to your organisation is sent to the correct person for payment. 

To enter or update your billing details, follow the steps below: 

  1. Log into your Radar profile. 
  2. Ensure you are in your "Admin" profile. 
  3. Click on "Admin" towards the bottom of the sidebar to the left. 
  4. Ensure "Company details" are selected at the top in the purple bar. 
  5. Scroll down to the section with the heading "Billing details". 
  6. Click the green "Edit" button to the left of the section. 
  7. Enter the details in the fields provided. 
  8. Click on the green "Save changes" button to the top right of the screen. 
  9. The company details screen should now reflect your updated billing details. 

For a video tutorial on how to update your billing details on Radar, go here

Still, struggling to find what you're looking for? Contact support@radar.co.za for assistance.